Tuesday, January 12, 2010

IQ Question for u all? ;D

Not updating Hong Kong stuff YET due to some delay
Anyway the question is:
3 guys were going back home by car at night

Then suddenly the car broke down
3 guys decided to go to the nearest motel and rent a room for a night
When they reach the motel, the owner wasn't there but the owner's son was there
They asked the owner's son how much will it cost for a rental for 1 night
The owner's son replied RM30
So they decided EACH person give RM10
After awhile the owner came back and ask his son "did u rent the room?"
Then the son replied yes

Then the owner asked how much
The son replied RM30
The owner says "So expensive?Later ppl dun wanna come back to rent our room"
The owner decided to give back RM5 to the three guys
The son went to the 3 guys' room and gave back RM5
But RM5 can't divide into 3 person
So they decided to take RM1 back per person and the other RM2 give the kid
So NOW the 3 person gave exactly RM9 PER Person rite? [since they pay RM10 and took back RM1]
RM9 x 3[person] = RM27 rite?
RM 2 gave the kid
So that makes RM27 + RM2 = RM29

Where's another RM1 =D?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Long time no blog?

Well the reason that im blogging much since last month its because my cpu and internet got shocked by Zeus[Yes i mean lightning] and now my cpu is screwed thx to Zeus

Thx alot to Zeus u ruined my cpu and all my 3 years files/musics/pictures are gone because of u simply throwing those lightnings >=(
Even lightning rod on top of my house doesn't attract ur lightning D=<
Bad quality of Lightnings, go find a better blacksmith/whitesmith/lightning-smith/whatever==
Anyway Whats coming up after dis?:
1. Trip to Hong Kong during the holiday
2. Bad talks bout school's society =P
3. More Random Crap of My LiL Sitster =D
For Now just wait for me to post it tomorrow :D

Giant Epic Smiley Wins All